
Exams- Secondary School Only

Evaluation is based on the level of achievement the student demonstrates in the skills and knowledge covered in a course.

  • 70% of the evaluation is based on classroom work through ongoing class demonstrations, presentations, essays, performances and classroom tests and quizzes
  • 30% of the evaluation is based on a final summative evaluation through a variety of methods such as a portfolio, essay, examination and/or demonstration

Teachers use "Assessment for Learning" and "Assessment as Learning" practices to help students identify what the learning goals are, where they are in relation to the learning goals and what next steps they need to take to achieve the goals. This ongoing feedback helps prepare students for "Assessment of Learning", the process of collecting and interpreting evidence for the purpose of summarizing learning at a given point in time, to make judgments about the quality of student learning on the basis of established criteria, and to assign a value to represent that quality.

This final evaluation reflects the range and level of student skills and knowledge towards the conclusion of the course and gives students an opportunity to synthesize the different aspects of their learning for each particular course.

Exams are usually scheduled at the end of January and at the end of June. 

Progress reports throughout the semester, as well as mid-term and final report cards, keep parents and students abreast of a student's progress and achievement throughout the school year.

Exam Expectations

  1. Students must be present for exams and final evaluations.
  2. Students should not take family holidays/vacation during exam weeks.
  3. A medical note is required if a scheduled exam or mid-term is missed due to illness.
  4. Students should discuss exam requirements with their teachers for each course they are taking.

Exam Schedule

Please contact the main office for exam schedule