
Transcript Requests

At the Valour Office we are able to process transcript requests for present and former Valour Jk-12 School students as well as former General Panet students

When requesting a transcript please provide us with the following information:

  • First and Last name (when you attend school)
  • Your date of birth
  • What School you attended
  • Year you left either General Panet or Valour Jk-12 

 Student's who attended General Panet prior to 1991

  • Please contact the DND office at (phone) 1-416-325-2492 (fax) 1-416-325-1835

 Student's who attended General Panet or Valour Jk-12 School after 1991

  • Please call or email the main office to request your transcript
  • Please note it can take up to 10 days for your transcript to be prepared