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All secondary school students in Ontario must complete 40 hours of community involvement to receive their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Community involvement encourages students to develop:
Students may start accumulating community involvement hours in the summer before they enter Grade 9.
Secondary schools in the Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB) provide a document summarizing community involvement diploma requirements for students and parents, as well as for the persons/organizations sponsoring an activity with our students.
If you are graduating in 2021-2022 School year. You only require 20 community hours for graduation
In consultation with their parents/guardians, students should select an activity that appears on the RCDSB's list of approved activities. Students may choose an activity that is not on the list, provided that it is not an activity specified on the Ministry of Education's and the RCDSB's lists of ineligible activities. If the activity is not on the RCDSB's list of approved activities, the student must obtain approval from his/her principal before beginning the activity.
Parents/guardians should provide assistance to their child in the selection of his/her community involvement activities. Parents/guardians are also encouraged to communicate with the community sponsor and the school principal if they have any questions or concerns. A parent must sign the Completion of Community Involvement Activities form if the student is under the age of 18 years.